From September 27 to October 1, 2021, it is planned to hold an international conference “Modern Modeling of Materials for Mechanical, Medical and Biological Applications” in the village of Divnomorskoye.
We invite colleagues to send an application for participation in the conference until August 20, 2021. The collection of abstracts of accepted papers will be published prior to the conference.
Author: Ольга Серова
Dear colleagues and friends,
This year we celebrate the 70th anniversary of our colleague Prof. Sergei M. Aizikovich.
Prof. Victor Eremeyev, Prof. Alexander Galybin, Dr. Andrey Vasiliev, and Prof. Holm Altenbach are preparing a sampler of papers “Advanced Materials Modelling for Mechanical, Medical and Biological Applications” in the Springer’s Advanced Structured Materials Series dedicated to Sergei M. Aizikovich.
Sergey Aizikovich made a speech at the conference with a report:
“Sergei M. Aizikovich, Andrey S. Vasiliev, Evgeniy V. Sadyrin. Analytical solution of the contact problem on indentation of a half-space with coating in a simplified form”.

On 21 of September our team has published an article in the journal Nanomaterials (Q2 on the Web of Science database):
Sadyrin, E., Swain, M., Mitrin, B., Rzhepakovsky, I., Nikolaev, A., Irkha, V., Yogina, D., Lyanguzov, N., Maksyukov, S. and Aizikovich, S., 2020. Characterization of Enamel and Dentine about a White Spot Lesion: Mechanical Properties, Mineral Density, Microstructure and Molecular Composition. Nanomaterials, 10 (9), 1889.

On September 11-12, an international conference “Dynamics of technical systems-2020” was held, within the framework of which the Scientific and Educational Center “Materials” held section No. 3 “Problems of the creation and mechanics of heterogeneous and composite materials”.

Plenary talk on the topic “Integral equations for the identification of cracks at the boundaries of layers “was made by the leading researcher of the MBioM laboratory, Galybin Alexander Nikolaevich. Also, the employees of the MBioM laboratory, Vasiliev AS, Volkov S.S., Mitrin B.I., Sadyrin E.V., as well as undergraduates – graduates of the educational module taught by M.V. Svein: Mikhalchuk V.D., Filippenko V.A., Tananakina E.S.
Employees of the MBioM laboratory made reports at the XX International Conference “Modern Problems of Continuum Mechanics” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Academician II Vorovich:
- Wear of a functional-gradient coating on a sliding
thermal friction contact (speaker – B. I. Mitrin) - Theoretical method for determining the parameters of the depth-variable Young’s modulus (speaker – P. Lapina)
The conference was held remotely on the Microsoft Teams platform
On June 9, the defense of graduation projects of students who mastered the educational module “Introduction to Biomechanics and Biomedical Materials Science” took place under the leadership of the head of the laboratory of mechanics of biocompatible materials of DSTU, Honored Professor of the University of Sydney Michael Vincent Swain.
Graduates have clearly shown how knowledge in the field of robotics, cybersecurity of information systems, instrumentation and applied mechanics can be effectively integrated into medicine today to solve urgent medical problems. The setting of tasks was carried out by practicing doctors – employees of medical institutions of Rostov-on-Don and professors of Rostov State Medical University.
We invite everyone interested in issues of modern biomechanics and materials science to join the procedure for protecting projects by 4-year students of DSTU on June the 9th from 9 AM to 3 PM (UTC+3). You will see how the knowledge in the field of robotics, cybersecurity of information systems, instrument engineering and applied mechanics can be effectively integrated into the medicine today to solve acute and urgent problems that operating surgeons and doctors are facing.
The academic initiator and coordinator of the project is the Honored Professor of the University of Sydney, the Head of the Laboratory of Mechanics of Biocompatible Materials at DSTU, who leads the research team on the Megagrant of the Government of the Russian Federation.
You will be able to ask your questions to both the students presenting their projects and solutions, and to invited expert practitioners:
- Golubev Georgy Shotavich, head of the orthopedic department of MLPUZ GB №1 named. ON THE. Semashko “, the head. Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine Rostov State Medical University;
- Epikhin Alexander Nikolaevich, Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, Rostov State Medical University;
- Laktionov Egor Vitalievich, dentist, therapist, head of the dental department No. 2 “Dental Clinic of Rostov-on-Don”;
- Ryabichko Artyom Gennadievich, dentist-surgeon, head of the orthopedic department No. 2 “Dental Clinic of Rostov-on-Don.”
Employees of our laboratory took part in the 7th X-Ray Microscopy European Network User Workshop, organized at Oberkochen, Germany
On September 10, Professor of the Department of Structural Design of the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) Adair Roberto Aguiar held an open lecture for the students of DSTU. The lecture will be held within the framework of the Days of Navigation and the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative Technologies in Science and Education”.

Adair Roberto Aguiar is the head of the Solid Mechanics Research Group, accredited by the Brazilian State Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Member of the International Committee of KAUST, the Society of Natural Sciences (SNP) and the Brazilian Association of Engineering and Mechanical Sciences (ABCM). Vice Chairman of the PACAM Committee of the American Academy of Mechanics (AAM). Special Advisor to CNPq, Sao Paulo Research Support Foundation (FAPESP) and Araucaria Foundation.
Expert in the following fields: finite element method, solid mechanics, optimization methods, nonlinear elasticity, anisotropic elasticity, wave propagation in porous media, homogenization methods.