Unique installation Nanotest Platform 3 from Micromaterials. Has two functional blocks: nanotest and microtest. The main purpose: allows you to determine the hardness of structural units of a material at the nanoscale (for this, indentation using the “pendulum” method is used).
Determined mechanical properties of the material:
-The hardness of the test material;
-The hardness of the applied coatings (as well as their thickness);
-Elastic modulus;
-High temperature characteristics of the material (up to 500C).

The chosen experimental procedure makes it possible to study the properties of the material over time, i.e. define both static and dynamic characteristics.
The unit is equipped with the following options:
- Indentation;
- Surface topography;
- Scratching of coatings;
- Procedure for shock cyclic loading.
- Indentation analysis is performed according to the method of Oliver and Pharr.
Main technical characteristics:
The maximum and minimum loads for the “nano-pendulum” are 0.1 and 500 mN, respectively, for the “micro-pendulum” 0.1 N and 20 N.
Applicable indenters:
1. Berkovich’s indenter is a pyramidal indenter with a vertex radius of 100-500 nm.
2. Vickers indenter – cone indenter available in 10 and 25 µm radius indenters.
3. Spherical indenter – spherical indenter with a radius of 0.5 mm.
4. Corner cube indenter – The indenter is the top of a cube with 90 degree angles.
The Nanotest installation allows research in solid state physics, tribology, materials science and other applied sciences.